Take Your CPA Exam Prep Courses Online

by | May 7, 2013 | Education

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Fact: less than 20% of those who sit for the CPA exam without having taken a review course pass.

Fact: more than 75% of those who sit for the CPA exam after taking a review course succeed.

These are amazing statistics and it just goes to show how important taking review courses for the CPA is.

What are the advantages of taking your CPA review online?

IT cannot be denied, sitting the CPA exam unprepared is going to be a huge disappointment to 80% of the examinees. There are many reasons and advantages to sitting the exam after taking a review course.

Your chance of success increases dramatically:

The primary reason for failure in the CPA exam is the lack of understanding of just how difficult the test is going to be, there is no appreciation of the scope of the exam and how current the questions are. When you take the review classes on-line you will have all the current and up-to-date material at your finger tips and you can also benefit from those who have managed to pass the exam and are now ready to help others pass it as well.

On line CPA review helps you develop a plan of attack:

To successfully pass CPA exam, you need a plan. The hard part is, how do you plan to do something that you have never accomplished before? When you take your review classes on-line you will be taking practice tests and practice tests set by successful CPAs. Remember, the CPA exam is nothing like you have ever done before and you need to have a mentor who can keep you focused, expose the scope of the exam and explain what is involved in the process. With this information, you can establish a meaningful plan. Every course will be different than the previous course, but when you take them on-line, it is a proven method to success.

Preparation is easier:

The CPA exam is thought to be the hardest exam of all times, it touches on every conceivable subject; it is often called the exam that spans a mile but does not go any deeper than an inch. With such a wide variety of subject content, studying is not a matter of a concentrated effort.

The exam may be a mile wide, but it is still focused and very comprehensive. The idea of the on-line review is to eliminate mountains of reading, reading material that will not be part of the exam. The on-line review sets the tone for your knowledge base so that the potential of passing is high.

Test your ability:

With on-line reviews, you can take practice tests that will establish just where you stand. These practice tests are very effective as they facilitate the memory part of review and help with a general understanding of the subject and the presentation.

To take your CPA exam prep course online, visit the web site of Black CPA Review. With a well thought out on-line set of review classes, complete with mock tests and exams, the chances of your success is greater.

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