People who love the look of quartz may decide to include this material as part of their Kitchen Remodel in Bainbridge Island Wa. Quartz countertops are durable and beautiful, adding a distinct aesthetic quality to a kitchen. The mineral is available in an enormous array of colors and patterns.
Types of Quartz
Many men and women don’t realize that some gemstones actually are types of quartz. This can open up their options even more than they first imagined. Amethyst, for instance, is a purple form of the mineral. Citrine quartz is pale yellow to dark tan, while jasper from quartz develops in a range of colors that include green, red and brown. Rose quartz is popular too, lending a lovely hue to the kitchen. Homeowners who want very dark countertops, including black, can buy smoky quartz. To achieve the color black, manufacturers typically add another technique in the process. Other options also are available in this mineral category.
Advantages of Quartz
Quartz is a very common mineral, but that doesn’t make it any less desirable for countertops in a Kitchen Remodel in Bainbridge Island Wa. The variations in color and random patterns are limitless, so each homeowner can accomplish a unique design in this room.
Quartz has several other important uses aside from the manufacture of countertops. Because it develops an electrical charge under pressure, it is included in watches and in a variety of electronic devices. Tiny quartz pebbles form sand, the main component in glass manufacturing. The beauty of the mineral is hidden in these uses, though, unlike when quartz is on display in a countertop in a renovated kitchen. The project can be completed by a contractor such as Silver Bo Stone.
Where Quartz Comes From
The mineral is mined in many countries, including the United States. In this nation, Arkansas is the biggest supplier of quartz. The mineral also is actually grown from a seed crystal to prevent the flaws that are frequently found in natural quartz. Gemstones are made from natural quartz, but quartz for electronics and watches is grown in a laboratory. This controlled environment prevents flaws from developing, which is expected in the natural process.