The Importance of Properly Installed Auto Glass in Chicago IL

by | Aug 20, 2020 | Automotive

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A vehicle contains a large amount of glass; the windshield, the driver and passenger windows, the back glass or rear window, mirrors, headlights and maybe even a sunroof. This glass is specially made to be durable and to prevent breaking into dangerous shards in the event of an accident. Over time, and after a fender bender, auto glass may need to be repaired to keep the vehicle looking its best, and to keep the driver and other occupants safe. There are many things to consider when searching for the right glass installation company. Ask how long they have been installing new pieces, ask about the sealant they use for windshields and rear windows, and just generally get a feel for their knowledge in the industry.

The Dangers of Improperly Secured Auto Glass

Finding the right company for auto glass repair in Chicago, IL is important to get the best new glass installation possible. This is especially true if it is your windshield. Having an improperly installed windshield can cause damages to your vehicle, make driving dangerous, and could cause more injuries in the event of an accident. If the seal is not created properly, water can leak into the interior of the vehicle and cause damages to the electrical system. Electrical repairs are costly and can lead to fires throughout the whole vehicle. A spark caused behind the steering column caused by water leaking through a bad seal in the windshield can potentially put the entire vehicle ablaze.

Correct Sealant and a Professional Touch

Windshields and rear windows are installed with industrial strength sealant. This is waterproof, extremely heavy duty, UV resistant and can last for many years. It keeps the window in place against changes in air pressure so it can help prevent injuries to the people inside. In the event of an accident and rollover, a windshield can help add support to the overall frame of the vehicle and prevent the roof from caving in. This, in turn, can help save lives and minimize injuries. Professional companies can install new windshields in as little as an hour, though the sealant may take up to 3 hours to properly cure. Curing time can depend on the humidity and temperate of the area you are living in, and most companies suggest or request you do not drive the vehicle for at least a few hours after the installation. If time is short, be sure to ask the technician in advance how long it will take. Their experience in the area can help provide you an accurate estimate.

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