Domestic violence is prevalent in many relationships. Although many tend to think of violence against women, when talking about domestic violence, this type of violence can happen to anyone. Both men and women have reported being victims of physical abuse by a significant other or family member. Far too many times, this type of abuse happens repeatedly before being reported. It’s important to know what you can do in order to make this stop. If you’re currently dealing with this type of abuse, there are legal steps you can take to protect yourself. Domestic Violence Lawyers Santa Rosa County has to offer can help you.
Get the police involved. Don’t wait until it’s too late to contact police. The police are one of the most influential authoritative figures in these matters. By reporting the abuse, or threats of abuse, police can then take action themselves. Police can gather evidence, make an arrest, or create a permanent file containing the abuse. Having these actions on record will allow you to take further legal actions.
A court can act to protect you. Having your domestic issues addressed by the court is a significant step in stopping the abuse. When police officers feel they have enough evidence, a court can decide whether or not the abuser is charged for a crime. Domestic Violence Lawyers Santa Rosa County offers will work to have your abuser prosecuted if evidence helps to support your claims. Lawyers may recommend that you receive an order of protection against the abuser. This order is meant to prevent you from being harassed or assaulted any further. If your accuser refuses to abide by these orders, they will be apprehended, and further legal actions will take place.
Find a lawyer that can help. Domestic Violence Lawyers Santa Rosa County offers can take measures to keep you safe. For those who feel they can’t afford a lawyer, there are legal aid lawyers who can work for you. These lawyers provide their services for free for those who qualify. In cases in which you don’t have your own lawyer, or can’t afford one, a legal aid lawyer will be referred to you.
Although domestic violence issues often occur, it doesn’t mean you have to continue being a victim. There’s help out their for people in these circumstances. Domestic Violence Lawyers Santa Rosa County has to offer can help you protect yourself and your family.