Sell Diamonds In Chicago Like A Pro With These Tips

by | Jan 19, 2015 | Uncategorized

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While diamonds are meant to be forever, there are many reasons in Chicago where you may decide to sell them. You may need money to pay bills, or you may not want to be reminded of happier times when the diamond jewelry was given to you. No matter what the reason is, it is important to know that selling them can be simple if you know a few tips that can help save you from embarrassment.

What You Have

While your now ex-husband may have told you that he spent thousands of dollars on your engagement or wedding ring, that doesn’t mean he was telling the truth. Even though your grandmother told you her diamond bracelet was extremely valuable, things can change. Therefore, before you decide to sell your diamonds in Chicago, it is important to visit with an appraiser who can tell you exactly what you have. It may be a diamond though it may be a cubic zirconia, so you want to know before you rush into a pawn shop get a big letdown.

Be Realistic

Even if the appraiser does say you have a 50 carat diamond rock in your possession, you need to find out how much that could be worth and to whom. A pawn shop is likely not going to offer you full retail price for your beauty, so you don’t want to go in dreaming of getting rich off your grandma’s heirloom jewelry because you’ll be disappointed.

Consider asking your appraiser how much the item would be worth. He or she will be glad to tell you what markets would pay more and under what type of circumstances so you get a good idea of how much yours will be worth.


After you have an idea of what you have to offer and how much they should pay, it is time to decide where to sell the diamonds. You can choose to sell the item to someone in the jewelry industry, such as pawn shops or even jewelry stores because they will finish the deal safely and quickly.

You can also try to sell to the public, though this can be more difficult. You may need to place ads, have people into your home to look at the item, and they may decide to change their mind and not buy it. This can be time-consuming, and if you are in need of money quickly, it may not be your best option.

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