How to Save Money Around Your Student Apartments in Tuscaloosa

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Student Housing Center

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College life means sticking to a budget as you finally strike out on your own. Fortunately, there are ways to save money around your student apartments in Tuscaloosa, from using less water to cutting the cable cord.

Turn Off the Lights

You may have been told to turn off the lights when leaving the room throughout your life, but this is very good advice when paying your utilities. You can also save electricity by turning off the lights, opening the curtains, and using the natural light during the day

Be Mindful of Water

Habits such as leaving the water on while brushing your teeth may seem small, but the amount of water used can add up over time. In addition to turning the water off while brushing, consider only washing your hair on certain days to save water during your shower.

Use the Study Lounge

Using the study lounge instead of your apartment for school-related tasks is a great way to save money, even if you only visit a few days a week. The study lounge features ample lighting, electrical outlets, and Wi-Fi for all residents.

Unplug Portable Electronics

You are not expected to unplug your television or refrigerator, but smaller electronics such as your laptop and coffee maker should be unplugged when not in use. This way, you are not using phantom or standby power on turned-off devices.

Use Streaming or Cable

Using both streaming and cable can be costly each month. It is best to determine where you can cut costs in this area, even if it means getting rid of cable or certain streaming platforms altogether.

If you are looking for cozy student apartments in Tuscaloosa, look no further than Lark Tuscaloosa. You can learn more about the apartments and amenities by visiting

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