There may be a time in your life when you need cash, but your payday is still a week or two away. When a bill cannot wait, your car needs to be fixed or your fridge needs groceries, immediate payday loans are a helpful option to consider. With payday loans, you get a short-term loan in order to pay for medicine that you need for yourself or your child. Maybe you need it to pay your childcare provider or to get a new tire on your car. Perhaps you need a bus pass or your shoes wore out. No matter what the reason, we are here to help.
When you contact us for a short-term loan, we do not judge you. We have a simple process that is easy to navigate. In order to get a payday loan, you just need to provide us with a few documents and pieces of information. We will need to see your identification, such as your state ID card or your driver’s license. We will also need your social security number. The last required piece is proof of your income, such as your past couple of pay stubs.
Our approval process only takes a few minutes. While we process your application, we can answer any questions that you have. We explain the terms of your short-term loan, including the due date of your payment and the total amount that will be due. In a few minutes, you will have your payday cash.
When you are seeking immediate payday loans, turn to us at Short Term Loans, LLC. We offer a no-hassle process so that you can get the cash you need in a minimum amount of time. Contact us today or visit us online at for additional details about our short-term loan options.