Dream Careers Start With Cosmetology Schools Aurora

by | Jun 5, 2013 | Uncategorized

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Choosing a career in today’s job market can be challenging. If you enjoy working with people, being creative, and love to keep up with the latest trends, cosmetology might be the path for you. Cosmetology schools Aurora offers affordable classes with excellent instructors. Financial aid is available to qualified students, and the staff is always willing to help guide you every step of the way. The full time program is 30 hours per week, and you can complete the training in as little as 15 months. If working in a spa seems more interesting, the school offers esthetic and nail technician classes as well.

The beauty industry offers so many different opportunities. The training you will receive focuses not only on cutting hair, but also education in styling, coloring, perming, relaxing and various make-up techniques. You will have hands on experience with real clients. The ability to make someone else look and feel their best is very satisfying. When you have completed the program you will also be able to pursue your dreams of owning your own spa or salon. It is a rewarding career, it offers very flexible schedules, and the demand is high for skilled professionals. A good cosmetology school in Aurora offers classroom training in a salon environment. Their accredited programs are not only educational, they are fun and exciting.

The age requirement for attending cosmetology school is only 16 years old with parental consent. If you are 18 years or older, a high school diploma or GED is necessary. When applying to the school, an essay will be requested on why you desire a career in the beauty industry. Instructors are always available to answer questions, share their own passion for their occupation, or provide a guided tour through the beautiful facilities. If you have ever dreamed of working in a salon, or providing esthetic services to dermatologists or spas, this might be the answer you have been looking for. Don’t wait any longer to start making your career dreams come true. Call or apply to be a licensed cosmetologist, and start earning a great income with a career you are sure to love.


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