A Look At Social Security Disability Benefits

by | Jan 16, 2015 | Uncategorized

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Social Security in Kansas City is a United States federal government program that is funded by tax payments made by contributors through FICA, Federal Government Contributions Act. The objective of Social Security is to provide an income on a monthly basis to those who have reached retirement age and to those who have proven that they suffer from a physical or mental disability and have not yet reached the age of retirement but are disabled to the point where they cannot perform any type of gainful work. For the disabled Social Security manages two different benefit programs, each of which apply to different recipients.

* Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): This is a benefit that is available to the physically or mentally disabled individual who has worked for a number of years and has accumulated sufficient work credits to be considered.
* Supplemental Security Income (SSI): This benefit is available to those who are disabled and who have minimal income and asset base.


To be eligible for Social Security disability insurance the applicant must meet two criteria; he or she must be truly disabled and prove it and the applicant must have been employed and paying FICA to build up enough work credits. Although there are a number of variables that determine the number of work credits an applicant must have the one common denominator is that they must have worked for some part of any five of the last ten years prior to becoming disabled.

If the applicant is approved for disability benefits he or she will be granted monthly payments. The amount of the monthly payment depends on the personal earnings record of the approved applicant, the cash benefits currently vary between $400 and $1,400 monthly. After 24 months of continuous payment the beneficiary becomes eligible for Medicare regardless of age at the time.


Although Supplemental Security Income is administered by Social Security in Kansas City it is a joint venture between the SS administration and the state government. The benefits that are granted are different depending on the state the beneficiary lives in. For the purposes of SSA the applicant must meet several criteria:

* Blind, disabled or 65 years of age or older
* A citizen of the United States or a permanent resident meeting certain requirements.
* Low monthly income; 50 percent of your income cannot exceed anywhere from $700 to $1,400 a month depending on where you live.
* You must own less than $2,000 in assets; minus your car and home.

Those who have their application approved can look forward to receiving monthly cash benefits of a little over $720, less a small part of your income.

Social Security in Kansas City is a federal government program that has set strict rules, regulations and laws for eligibility. If you are going to apply for SSDI or SSI you will be wise to consider getting legal help from the beginning of the process. You are invited to Have your case evaluated for free by the Grundy Disability Group. Visit us online at http://grundydisabilitygroup.com

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