Water Heater Replacement Options in Alpharetta GA

by | May 31, 2019 | Plumbing Services

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If you own a home in Northern Georgia, you may have maintenance issues to take care of soon. However, if your hot water system quits working, you need to do something now, unless you like cold showers and dingy looking clothing. If it is time to replace your old tank, you have several water heater replacement options in Alpharetta GA to consider.

Exact Replacement
The easiest kind of water heater replacement in Alpharetta GA involves replacing the old tank with a similar one. In fact, if you get the same type of tank, replacement is usually simple.

Bigger Tank
Do you sometimes run out of hot water at your house? If so, your heating tank may just be too small for the job. For example, if the old tank only holds 30 gallons, your local plumber can install a 40 or 50-gallon tank. This gives you a lot more hot water.

Fuel Options
A gas water heater may be more energy efficient than an electric one. However, you might not have a natural gas or propane source, so you may want to get the most efficient electric tank heating system.

Instant Hot Water Systems
Many families in Alpharetta GA choose instant hot water systems when it is time for a water heater replacement. Tankless systems can operate on gas or electricity, and they give you an inexhaustible amount of hot water.

You never run out of heated water, and these systems are economical. Tank heaters keep a large tank of water hot all the time. Tankless systems only use the water you need heated. There is no need for storage so you can save a lot of money on hot water. Your plumbing professional can inspect your current water heater and recommend the most efficient and effective hot water system.

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