Top 3 Data Mistakes That Delay Your Mailing Deliveries

by | Jan 25, 2016 | Computer And Internet

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Printing.Org cites poor data quality as one of the most common mailing mistakes around. Pay attention to these mistakes so you can keep your own team from making them:

It doesn’t matter if it’s a missing street, number or zip code. Chances of your mail getting to their final destinations immediately drop when you put in an incomplete address. Without the proper information, all you can expect is to see your mail again with the stamp “return to sender.”

Another common mistake in mails is keying in the wrong address. Mistakes often include a missing number or letter, even an errant code. This could make it extremely difficult to determine the destination of your mail. Another possibility is that you or someone in your organization put in the wrong address entirely. This time, it’s not about a missing letter or number, issues that can be easily rectified. Putting in the wrong address can lead to delivery delays. And mistakes like that can affect customer satisfaction, compelling them to seek better mailing services elsewhere.

Maintaining your customer database is one of the most important tasks in a business. That’s why it’s important to regularly make sure the data is correct and accurate, that it reflects any and all recent changes in your customer’s information-from any change in their name to the change in their address. Sending over mail to the wrong address is a waste of your company funds. Make sure you eliminate these drains on your wallet by ensuring your mails have the right address before you send them off to be delivered.

Getting Help
One way to reduce-if not entirely eliminate-these mistakes is to use an international address validation software. Tools like these easily take the hassle and stress out of your mailing tasks. With an excellent software, you won’t have to worry about the quality of your mailing addresses anymore. Whether it’s about the use of standard USPS codes, the absence of any incorrect uses of punctuations along with the use of CASS-certified software to help you with the mail preparation, there are plenty of ways you can explore out there.

Wrapping Up
So for your mail deliveries, make sure your data is always complete, correct, and regularly up-to-date. Take the hassle and stress out of your mail preparation. And most importantly, invest in the quality of your addresses. Do this by getting an international address validation software to verify, correct, and standardize your consumer data. Contact Anchor Software for more details.

Get your data quality up to speed with an international address validation software.  With the Anchor Software, you get the help and assistance your business needs.

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