Questions to Ask Regarding Roof Installation in Canton, MI

by | Mar 28, 2019 | Roofing

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If you are looking to have your roof repaired or replaced, there are many things you need to know. You should ask questions about the type of roof you need, what other features you might require, and how long the roof will last. For example, asphalt shingles are very affordable and very quick to install, but they do not last very long. Typically, they last about ten years, and the work is warrantied for about five years. If you want something that lasts longer, you have some other options. Here are a few questions to ask regarding your roof installation.

How Long Will It Last?

There are several different materials that can be used for your roof installation in Canton, MI. The most common types of roofing are wood, shingles, and metal. A wooden roof such as cedar shake will last for a few decades if properly cared for. It will look like it is degrading, but that’s just the natural color changes. The roof will change from the reddish color of cedar to a grayish color that many people find to be very attractive.

You should visit our website to see some other types of roofing that might be available. Asphalt shingles are very common and very affordable. They are quick to install and easy to repair, and they will last for about ten years before you’ll need to begin replacing some of them. Most asphalt installation is guaranteed for about five years.

How Much Will It Cost?

The flip side of the longevity question is the cost. A roof installation that lasts longer will cost more, whereas shorter-lived roofing styles will cost less. For example, asphalt shingles are very affordable but they only last about a decade. A metal roof is much more expensive, but they can last as long as 100 years.

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