Do You Need A Divorce Lawyer in Lockport, IL

by | Nov 25, 2020 | law

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If a marriage is not working and hasn’t been for some time, it may not be a surprise that the next step is divorce. Many couples hope for an amicable split without attorneys to keep costs down and to keep it simple. Of course, sometimes this works well, but unfortunately due to the emotions tied to divorce, many times the divorce can turn into a drawn-out, miserable experience without the direction of a divorce lawyer in Lockport to ensure the interests of his client. If the client still hopes for a divorce without much drama, many times a divorce attorney can meet with the ex’s attorney to try to negotiate a settlement. This avoids court, yet keeps the drama down by allowing those less emotionally invested to handle the communication. Of course, there are times when an attorney is non-negotiable and a must, for the protection of a spouse during a divorce. If the ex-has an abuse history, an attorney is recommended, or if the spouse hired an attorney himself, it would be necessary to hire one to ensure protection during the proceedings.

An abusive spouse can not be trusted. It doesn’t matter if he abused his spouse, children, alcohol or drugs. It is imperative that an attorney ensure that his client and the children if applicable, are protected. Drugs or alcohol make it difficult to deal with the addicted. It is of utmost importance, if children are involved, they never go with the ex-unsupervised to ensure their safety. An attorney can stress these factors to the court, making sure it is fully understood.

If an ex-has hired an attorney, the other spouse has no real choice but to hire an attorney, too. The spouse’s attorney may try to “go for the throat” and take everything possible, to vindicate a wrong, whether it’s true or perceived. By hiring an attorney for protection, one can be assured that their rights will be protected, and they will not be taken advantage of during this difficult time.

If a marriage is over, usually divorce isn’t the time to start trusting the ex. Stay protected with a divorce lawyer in Lockport, IL, one that will watch out for and protect the best interests of the client. Visit Giannola Legal, LLC for legal help and browse through their website to learn more about what they have to offer.

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